Factoring your receivables is a proven way to build up cash flow, but outdated technology sometimes interferes with getting paid faster.

Many factoring companies today still insist that their clients provide original invoice documents. Others require the time-consuming process of scanning and emailing each invoice. At a time when the digital economy is transforming financial services, many factors are still stubbornly low-tech.

Not RTS Financial, which offers three software solutions to ensure that receivables are submitted and funded as quickly as possible. Our technology, which we continue to develop and improve, is a big reason customers nationwide call RTS Financial a better factoring experience.

If you factor your receivables with RTS Financial, you can use one or all three of the following software technologies to save time, minimize resources and get paid in 24 hours or less.

Invoice Manager

RTS Financial’s exclusive Invoice Manager software platform allows customers to create invoices, submit purchase documents and review transactions in their online factoring accounts. The ease and speed of Invoice Manager lets you submit within seconds documentation that previously would have taken hours to pull together.

Available in the Customer Center of RTSFinancial.com, Invoice Manager includes the following capabilities:

  • Easy uploading of digital invoice documents
  • Bulk importing of multiple documents and spreadsheets
  • Online access to your entire factoring account history
  • Uploading of invoice documents from your phone through the CarrierPro mobile app


RTS Financial customers have access to the exclusive CarrierPro web browser and mobile app. Available for free on both iOS and Android devices, the CarrierPro app can be used to upload invoice documents and images from your smartphone or tablet to your online Invoice Manager account. This mobile solution enables you to start the billing process from any place at any time.

CarrierPro offers several other capabilities, including:

  • Free access to credit ratings and payment data on over 50,000 brokers and shippers
  • The lowest fuel prices at over 1,300 locations for customers of RTS Carrier Services
  • Private load board and trip planning tools


In 2017, RTS Financial acquired ProTransport, an affordable and comprehensive trucking software product for carriers of any size. ProTransport's software now integrates seamlessly with both CarrierPro and Invoice Manager, making it easier for you to upload invoices and manage your RTS Financial account from a single source. This makes the factoring process even faster, saving your billing department valuable time and resources.

Other benefits of ProTransport include:

  • Software modules for accounting, dispatch, safety, maintenance and more
  • Customizable for trucking companies of any size
  • Integration with fuel cards, QuickBooks, ELDs, IFTA and more
  • Competitive, affordable subscription pricing

For more about the services that RTS provides, contact us today!

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